There was a time when it was impossible to be sassy AND classy. And then there was saucy.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Boredom on a Tuesday Evening

I really wanted to write a review of Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg today, but I can't do that for two reasons: I haven't finished the book yet and I don't write everyday like she tells me to. Instead of writing, I tend to listen to Mondo Movie podcasts or my iTunes and play Mah-Jong. I was doing just this earlier while jamming out to some Streetlight Manifesto when a particular lryic caught my attention. Without further ado, here are the tracks from Everything Goes Numb accompanied by my favorite bit of lyrics from each song:

  1. Everything Went Numb - "but himself ain't a lot when he's got nothing left/of what was once a man, loved and loving/he took that trip that turns something to nothing"
  2. That'll Be The Day - "you brag of your indecency like a monkey beats his chest"
  3. Point/Counterpoint - "if ever I let you down I want to ask of you/to take it down a notch and we can talk it on through"
  4. If And When We Rise Again - "don't you come to me with all your color-coded quotes/everybody's laughing but they never ever get my jokes"
  5. A Better Place, A Better Time - "this loneliness is killing me/its filling me with anger and resentment/resentment Annie says/i'm turning into someone that i never that i'd have to be again"
  6. We Are The Few - "so come clean/no one should have to live with the things you've seen/but you're livin' anyways"
  7. Failing, Flailing - "and you act like it is but you know that its not/and even if it was would you ever give it up/if i told you what you had was really nothing"
  8. Here's To Life - "hey there Salinger what did you do/just when the world was looking at you/to write anything that meant anything/you told us you were through"
  9. A Moment Of Silence - "i bet they think we wish we joined when we could/but we do what we want we don't do what we should"
  10. A Moment Of Violence - "i never did lose a battle but i'm feeling further from the end of war/deplored, ignored and rarely ever self-assured"
  11. The Saddest Song - "its been years since i've seen her face/fourteen years were just erased/if my life was your life would you ever take it back"
  12. The Big Sleep - "and if you go i'll be gone/and you'll be left alone/to live your life as you please/but someday you'll agree that i was always meant for you/and you were always meant for me/and you will see that you're impossible"
So, there you have it. Time to listen to some more podcasts and dream of a cool social life. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

exploit the workers, rape the land


Blogger SnogAsh said...

happy belated halloween. perhaps your social life would blossom if you stopped playing Mah-Jon?

9:39 AM, November 01, 2006


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